Ghosts of Hocking Hills – Part 2

Welcome back to The Ghosts of Hocking Hills Segment. We want to make sure that you have plenty of tales to tell while you toast some marshmallows around the fire.


The Old Hotel of Rock House


Back in the early 1900’s, an old Resort Hotel used to stand near the Rock House trailhead where the Shelter House now sits.  It had 16 rooms, a restaurant, a stable and even a post office. Staff would gladly take the guests on tours of the area and for a price would carve guest’s names into the rock faces.

The legend tells it that a distinguished local and his fiancé would frequent the hotel from time to time. It was said that she would spend many a morning wandering through the gardens outside of the hotel, until one morning she was found dead under mysterious circumstances. When an official investigation was prompted, her body inexplicably vanished.


In the early 1920’s, the hotel fell into disrepair and was eventually torn down. To this day, many have seen the missing woman wandering around the old garden wall at the start of the trail. Some have even heard loud voices of the old hotel’s patrons echoing near the shelter house


The Ghostly Brakeman of  Moonville Tunnel


In the early 1800’s an old Coal Mining Town called Moonville used to exist alongside the now abandoned rail line that would run from Marietta to Cincinnati. The town reached its peak of around 100 people in the 1870’s and then started to dwindle when the coal mines shut down in the early 1900’s. Today the only places that remain, is the old town Cemetery and the Moonville Railroad Tunnel.


One of the most famous ghost stories of the region is said to have occurred here on a dark night in the late 1800’s. A drunk brakeman was walking the railroad tracks back home after a late night of poker at the local tavern. While walking through the Moonville Tunnel a train zoomed towards him. He waved his lantern frantically attempting to stop the train but it was to no avail, the brakeman was struck and killed by the train.


Today, It is said that if you walk the remnants of the tunnel on a dark evening, you will hear the train barreling towards you, blasting it’s horn and a light from the brakeman’s ghostly lantern swinging back and forth in the darkness.



These are only a handful of stories about the spirits that wander the scenic hills of Hocking County. If you’re out hiking the trails this season, you may be lucky (or unlucky) enough to come across one of these ghostly figures.


If you’re looking for a cabin to enjoy this Halloween season here are two great choices. The Cumberland cabin is a great trip back in history with its rustic design and it’s décor of antiquities, While our Pioneer cabin has the perfect, “cabin in the woods” feel. The Pioneer is even October’s Cabin of the Month so you’ll get 15% off the total at booking!






Enjoy your time in Hocking Hills and Happy Halloween!


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